bling sting is one of the hottest self-defense accessories on the market. It turns a weapon into a fashion statement that can be proudly carried by women of all shapes and sizes. The Blingsting brand has been featured in Cosmopolitan and on the Today Show, proving that a little creativity goes a long way in turning a serious self-defense item into a stylish accessory.
The Blingsting bling:
Using the highest powered, most technologically advanced spray on the market, bling sting delivers 10 brief but powerful shots. The oleoresin capsicum formula is 10% stronger than that found in your typical aerosol spray, and will produce major respiratory effects such as choking, watery eyes and temporary blindness that will last for about an hour. It also features a super-simple trigger-operated spray mechanism.
Blingsting has a couple of other cool self-defense accessories, including their rhode arrow escape hammer (the “Glammer”), a cute first aid kit, and a stun gun that produces sparks and a high voltage current. The company is also a great resource for information on safety and how to keep yourself and your family safe.
The blings of the bunch:
Let’s face it, safety is a serious topic in this country and we all need to do our part to protect ourselves and those we love. Be responsible, be accountable and make smart decisions that will ensure your long-term well-being. The best way to do that is to be aware of what’s out there, and what is available to you.