Bling Images For Blogs and Articles

Bling is a type of glitter or sparkle that is used to make objects shine or reflect light. It is often used in jewelry and other decorations such as shoes, handbags and car decorations. The word bling also describes ostentatious jewellery or extravagant clothing that signifies wealth and conspicuous consumption. The word bling first gained popularity in the 1990s, particularly as it entered popular culture through music and became part of the vernacular of rappers and hip-hop artists. It has since become a widely-used and accepted part of the English language.

Images with text are a critical component of blog posts and articles because they help readers understand the content and get an idea of the subject matter without having to read it all. The addition of text to an image will get your article or post noticed by readers and may even increase the number of people that click through to the actual article.

Here are a few examples of how you can add text to an image and accentuate it by adding some bling. The first example is a basic text overlay that you can create by simply selecting the image and choosing Edit/Define Brush Presets. Once you do this, select the brush size and shape that you want to use and then adjust the spacing box to determine the amount of space in between each rhinestone. You can then choose the opacity and color settings to suit your needs.